We implement and grow urban regenerative, organic food gardens & farms with residents of affordable and permanent supportive housing & homeless shelters, to function as a place for accessing food, healing, skill training, work development and community building in Los Angeles.
18,500 Seedlings Planted
Seedlings grown by GrowGood or donated are tended to in our nursery until they are hardened and sturdy enough to plant
100,000 lbs of Donated Produce
Gleaned farmer’s market and private properties, vegetables and fruit, donated and distributed.
15 Resident Food Gardens & 1 Farm
Just over 2800 square feet of active growing space in 9 distinct affordable housing properties and 2 homeless shelter, producing year-round harvest.
Accessible to over 3150 Individuals
Supporting financially disadvantaged persons with 24/7 access to organic food gardens.
Help us grow organic, regenerative gardens that empower residents and communities of small means.
"Because folks at Growing Hope Gardens cared, a child took his first step in organic garden soil instead of Skid Row. "
— Carolyn Day
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