Collaboration with sponsors and local nonprofit partners is essential at helping us grow gardens.

Our Partners

Understanding the needs of residents food gardens means working closely with local nonprofit partners.


“Community Corp. is a Santa Monica-based non-profit organization that restores, builds, and manages affordable housing for working families of modest means. By enhancing and increasing affordable housing, we improve neighborhoods, create an environment where people can thrive, and change thousands of lives. Our work contributes to the distinct character of Santa Monica, making it a more inclusive, caring, and environmentally sustainable city. In short, we advance the values that Santa Monica residents share – and enrich our community.”


“One of Los Angeles County’s largest social services agencies, The People Concern was formed in 2016 in a merger of two trusted social service organizations based in Los Angeles County, OPCC and Lamp Community. Informed by more than fifty years of work in the community, The People Concern is a leading provider of, and advocate for, evidence-based solutions to the multi-faceted challenges inherent in homelessness and domestic violence.”

“Holos Communities, formerly Clifford Beers Housing, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating spaces for all people. With the goal of providing opportunities for a fuller life, we approach the creation of spaces through a holistic lens as we work to end homelessness, combat global warming, and reverse racial inequity. Our spaces provide homes, services and jobs to individuals, families, and businesses while helping to strengthen neighborhoods and local economies. We measure the impact of our work by using several factors including the quality of life of our residents, the efficiency with which we can create new spaces and our ability to create innovative solutions to the complex problems we face.”


“Venice Community Housing (VCH) was founded in 1988 as a grassroots movement to develop comprehensive solutions to rising rates of homelessness and an increasing need for affordable housing for low-income individuals and families. Since then, VCH has worked to invest in permanently affordable housing, advance health and housing-based solutions for unhoused people, promote youth development and education, and build strategic partnerships focused on equity and inclusion. VCH believes we must challenge the root causes of housing injustice and homelessness and actively confront all forms of racism in order to ensure equitable communities with access to healthy, safe, and affordable homes for all.”


“ELACC’s mission is to advocate for economic and social justice in Boyle Heights and unincorporated East Los Angeles by building affordable housing, grassroots leadership, self-sufficiency and access to economic development opportunities for low and moderate income families.” 

Our Collaborators

We partner with the following organizations to elevate our mission

Community Organized Relief Effort

"CORE is committed to being on the front lines and working with communities to develop and strengthen climate resilience programs. Our mission is to spread awareness and urgency not fueled by fear but knowledge that produces hope and fortitude."  

“Throughout its distinguished history, Saint John’s Health Center Foundation and its donors have been essential partners with Saint John’s. They are visionaries, innovators, and leaders whose generosity has developed a small community hospital into a world-class health center. We invite supporters to join us in upholding our standards of excellence in driving advancements in technology, research, and patient care.”

Saint John’s Foundation

At UC David, the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) offers farmer-driven, grassroots grants and education programs. Since 1988, SARE grantees have been putting the principles of sustainable agriculture into practice on farms and ranches in every state and island protectorate. 


Since 1969 the Los Angeles LGBT Center has cared for, championed, and celebrated LGBT individuals and families in Los Angeles and beyond.

Today the Center's nearly 800 employees provide services for more LGBT people than any other organization in the world, offering programs, services, and global advocacy that span four broad categories: Health, Social Services and Housing, Culture and Education, Leadership and Advocacy.”

Jason Mraz Foundation

“Founded in 2011, Jason Mraz Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with a mission to shine for inclusive arts education, the advancement of equality, and food security. Our purpose is to cause peace in the world.”

“We are a part of the Farm Credit System, a nationwide agricultural network that serves rural America by providing credit and affiliated services to farmers, ranchers, and agribusinesses. Overall, the Farm Credit System supplies the nation’s agricultural industry with nearly one third of its credit needs.”

American Ag Credit


Our Sponsors

These sponsors and donors are essential is making our garden driven mission possible!

  • Garden Kellogg Products

  • Growoya: Porous Clay Irrigation Vessel

  • Pepperdine University: School Of Law, Community Justice Clinic

School of Law Community Justice Clinic

School of Law
Community Justice Clinic


Become a Partner or Sponsor

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